
20 Hilarious Food Jokes For Anyone to Enjoy


Q: What did the baby corn say to its mom?
A: Where’s my pop corn?


Q: Why did the man stare at a carton of orange juice?
A: Because it said ‘concentrate’


Q: Why did the tomato blush?
A: Because he saw the salad dressing

#14 Midnight Snack

If we are not to have a midnight snack, then why is there a light bulb in the refrigerator?

#13 Strict Pizza Diet

A man wakes up and finds himself in a hospital room, one with only himself in it. He has no recollection of how he got there. While pondering it, his bedside phone rings, and he answers it. A doctor on the other end identifies himself, and tells the man, “I have really bad news. You’re very sick. After your collapse yesterday, we ordered several tests, and got the results back this morning. I’m afraid you have Avain flu, Ebola, and you’re positive for HIV and hepatitis.”
Stunned, the man asks, “Well, what’s next!? What are you going to do?”
The doctor replies, “Well, for starters, we’re putting you on a strict diet of only pizza.”
“Will that really help me, doctor?”
“No”, the doctor begins, “but it’s all we can fit under the the door.”

20 Funniest Bar Jokes You’ve Never Heard

True or false…