
The 15 Finest, Most Classic Jewish Jokes

Jewish humor is the long tradition of humor in Judaism dating back to the Torah and the Midrash from the ancient Middle East. Yes, thousands of years of culture and tradition, distilled! Ah, our peals of laughter!

Scroll far away from that hateful racket and join us here at the scene of the classics – jokes told by Jews, about Jews, that gently mock, rather than discriminate against, Jews.

15 Finest, Most Classic Jewish Jokes

#15 You Don’t Look Jewish

A woman on a train walked up to a man across the table. “Excuse me,” she said, “but are you Jewish?”
“No,” replied the man.
A few minutes later the woman returned. “Excuse me,” she said again, “are you sure you’re not Jewish?”
“I’m sure,” said the man.
But the woman was not convinced, and a few minutes later she approached him a third time. “Are you absolutely sure you’re not Jewish?” she asked.
“All right, all right,” the man said. “You win. I’m Jewish.”
“That’s funny,” said the woman.” You don’t look Jewish.”

The pretzel

Problem Solved